Wednesday, August 12, 2009

EOC Week 5

After reading a few blogs written by other students I found that everyone wrote what they thought about lawyers based on their experience with them. If they had a pleasant experience than they were more sympathetic towards lawyers and wrote positive things about them, for example in Michael’s blog he had a DUI and the lawyer that he got cut him a deal and reduced his ticket from $3000 to $600. If they had a negative experience with the law they tended to write bad things about lawyers for example; “they charge to much money and they don’t do what there suppose to or what you hire them for.”

In Michael’s and Dianne’s blogs it seems when they wrote their blogs they wrote from experience, I also read Stacia’s blog and she wrote from a very different perspective because it doesn’t seem like she has had any experiences with lawyers. She didn’t really take a side, she pointed out the good and the bad things that lawyers do. One line she writes ““…lawyers are really hard-working and know their stuff. They will go the distance for you to get your case solved…” then the next "They give into bribery and condone anything that is immoral or unethical to get the monetary gain they seek.” I agree with Stacia more than the other blogs because she doesn’t have any biased and I think that’s the best way to approach something.

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